Relon Kenya Publications 
Finding durable solutions :Refugees' access to citizenship and permanent residence in kenya
Local integration remains a challenge, even for refugees with family ties to Kenyan nationals through mixed marriages, despite existing international and national legal frameworks. In response, the RLRH, Kituo Cha Sheria, and RELON Kenya, supported by the Open Society Foundation, conducted a study on refugees' access to citizenship and permanent residence to evaluate the extent of local integration in Kenya.
irap report
Spotlight on Local and Refugee-Led Efforts to Address Key Protection Needs

This report synthesizes insights and recommendations from over 100 interviews and highlights key opportunities for philanthropic engagement and international cooperation.

Advocating for Refugee Incentive Workers
The Africa Refugee-led Network (ARN), supported by Oxfam, commissioned research to collect views and experiences of refugee incentive workers and to provide an assessment of the extent to which current incentive worker practices further refugee self-reliance and participation