Who We Are
RELON-Kenya is a national network of RLOs in Kenya registered with the Registrar of Societies in 2019. RELON-Kenya exists to unite the refugee-led organizations (RLOs) in Kenya, and link them with opportunities, ideas and funding, as well as provide a platform for the RLOs to network amongst themselves, and with potential partners and stakeholders (at national, regional, and global levels). The idea to form such a network came about due to the lack of inclusion of refugees in policy dialogues.
RELON-Kenya is a membership organization drawing members from both urban and camp-based RLOs to organization drawing members from both urban and camp-based RLOs to promote their engagement with the government and INGOs. RELON-Kenya was founded on the principles of participation and inclusion of refugees in decision-making tables and policymaking processes on matters affecting their day-to-day lives.
The network brings together refugee-led organizations (RLOs) and individual refugees found in Kenya; with the aim of forming a strong, credible, and influential national network that speaks with one voice when advocating for refugee rights and interests. RELONKenya’s 2021-2023 strategy is based on the need for advocacy for the inclusion of refugees in policymaking processes, at decision-making tables and improving the RLO's self-representation.

Our Core Mandate
Our core mandate at RELON-Kenya is to advocate for refugee participation and inclusion at all decision-making tables and in policymaking processes at all levels. Embracing the principle of equality, we strive to ensure that every voice, regardless of background or origin, is not only heard but valued and given equal weight in shaping the policies that impact us all. By championing equality, we work towards creating a more just and inclusive society where every individual, including refugees, is recognized as an integral part of the collective effort to build a better future.
RELON-Kenya's core values center on equality, inclusion, and justice. We empower marginalized voices, advocate for refugee participation, and uphold diversity, integrity, and dignity to build a society where everyone is valued and their rights respected.